monsters, Wings, other things
Puppets covers anything that isn’t a mask – it’s my catch-all category for fursuits, wing wigs, tails, anything ‘monster-ish’ that extends the human body and can be puppeteer’d by the wearer.
This type of project is large, while tails have a lead time of 1-2 months depending on the level of detail, the large Fursuits can take up to a year. For that reason these are the least frequent of the projects I take on – but don’t let that put you off! I’m always happy to discuss your ideas and timelines.
Ready to ship Puppet items like tails are available in the Shop on a regular basis.

Verdigris – Stilt Puppet
Verdigris was built in 2018 on a small budget, as a LARP monster. The brief was ‘imposing, benevolent, and magical’. His design was heavily inspired by the Landstrider creatures from “The Dark Crystal”.
Verdi’s structure is built on wallpapering stilts and crutches with elbow supports. Everything else was budget fabrics and scraps. I feel Verdi is a giant ‘sketch’ of a creature and I am very pleased with him.
I performed as Verdi for the LARP event, for MOMENTO’s music video “Heaven Has An Outline”, and competitively at Thamescon 2019 where we took home the Best Costume award.
Verdi was gifted away to another LARP event, you may run into him some day.

Quadruped Fursuits
Quarduped Fursuits also known as Quadsuits, require the puppeteer to mimic a four legged creature. This is achieved with arm stilts and structure to bulk out the puppeteer’s form to match the monster.
Red XIII (Final Fantasy VII) and Catbus (My Neighbour Totoro) were labours of love and hugely popular with those who met them. Both suits are retired.
- Catbus – Amecon. Judge’s Award, 2010
- Catbus – MCM London Expo, Finalist, 2009
- Red XIII – Fuyucon, Judge’s Award, 2007
- Red XIII – Amecon, People’s Choice Award 2007